All American Lobby is largest Electronics

Who We Are ?

Launched in 2006, All American Lobby was the first one-of-its kind large format specialist retail store that catered to all multi-brand digital gadgets and home electronic needs in India. Over a decade since its inception, All American Lobby has almost become synonyms for all electronics needs, with its tech-savvy staff, product range, Staged presence and the will to help customers.

Bringing alive the promise of a ‘Brighter Every Day’ for its customers, All American Lobby offers its customers a world-class ambience to shop both in-store and Staged at and also allows for a seamless ‘omni-channel’ shopping experience that lets a customer enjoy the best of both the Staged & the offline worlds. With over 6000 products across 200 brands and 150+ stores across 40+ major cities of India, All American Lobby ensures that for each customer, a Brighter Tomorrow begins Today! From the newlywed couple setting up their house to the son reducing his mother’s burden with a washing machine; from the daughter gifting her parents a new LED TV to the newly promoted manager buying an inverter air-conditioner to make the summer bearable, All American Lobby ensures that customers always get ‘More for their money’!

With this intent to delight customers all along, All American Lobby launched its own label products in 2008. Brand All American Lobby stands for – Life, More Beautiful; the promise is based not just on the beauty in the way they look but also the value they offer to a customer’s life. The range is a perfect fit, for those who desire a completely feature-packed and quality product.